Thursday, October 10, 2019

Online Tracert Study of BS in Information Management and Information Technology

One way of assessing the success of a school or university is by looking at how many graduates it has produced that have become famed figures – celebrities, politicians, executives, business owners, artists, entertainers, NGO founders, or prime movers of their own rights. Analytically, If one has to investigate the contributing factors that lead to the formation of topnotch graduates, one would notice that not all of these factors have to be present to produce such graduates.Some schools boast of the discipline that makes determination and success possible. Other schools highlight the pool of intellectual candidates who had been prequalified, preselected, and therefore belong to the elite group and the cream of the crop. Others exalt their line of curricula and multi-faceted training programs that are claimed to be able to produce topnotch graduates without the need for pre-selection. In any case, any matching combination of these factors is guaranteed to produce success if ex ecuted with consistency, good planning, and monitoring.Background of the StudyPhilippine State College of Aeronautics (PhilSCA), dubbed as the number one performing Aeronautical School in the country, once again PhilSCA reached another milestone as it undergoes Accreditation. Being the only state college of aeronautics, PhilSCA is proud to say that it passed the level one accreditation conducted by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) last November 2012 and take note it is the only aeronautical school that is accredited. Dr. Bernard R. Ramirez, College President stated that the institution is already subjected for Level 2 Accreditation. This means that a much better PhilSCA will soon be rising, making our institution the center of excellence and development in aeronautics.Its vision stated that â€Å"PhilSCA is a leader institution of higher learning committed to the scientific and  technological advancement of aeronautical sci ences responsive to the dynamic and emerging demands for world – class professionals of the industry and a mission to prepare world – class Aeronautics professionals who are imbued with commitment, excellence, responsibility and integrity through advance level of instruction and research.† One strong factor that springs out here is the high morale of its workers, employees, and faculty members. This high morale boosts the teachers’ self esteem and drives them to perform to an excellent level. A working atmosphere created in such manner naturally ascends from progress to progress, and one criterion of progress is creating stricter standards.One of the standards PhilSCA maintains is the continuous refinement of its curricula for all offered courses. Refinement is a dynamic effort of upgrading every curriculum to be able to produce topnotch graduates who will excel in their chosen career or endeavor. It entails not only monitoring of its products, which are t he graduates, but also of the trends and requirements in the field of career or industry where the graduates go. By way of this pioneering tracer study, the researching intends to locate where the graduates are and how well they are doing in their chosen career.Statement of the ProblemThis study aims to locate and identify the work status and professional development of PhilSCA graduates under the Institute of Computer Studies within the last five years.Objectives of the StudyThis study aims to track down the graduates of PhilSCA under the ICS programs, to wit: 1. Bachelor of Science in Information Management Major in Airline Operation and Procedures (BSIM-AOP) 2. Bachelor of Science in Aviation Information Technology (BSAIT) For the following objectives:To establish the location of our graduates,  To determine the connections or relations of the work they now occupy with the education they obtained in PhilSCA and To identify the levels of accountabilities or responsibilities atta ined by the graduates.Significance of the StudyThis investigation will be the first concrete tracer study of PhilSCA graduates, particularly under ICS Department. Its conduct will initiate succeeding tracers of the same programs as well as other programs in ICS, Department. The study will help strengthen the alumni program of the school by providing the Alumni Office with a database of all PhilSCA graduates which the office can use in corresponding with alumni for the school events and possible employment. Strengthening the alumni program would serve the school in the future by successful alumni giving back to the institution.Conceptual Framework INPUTPROCESS OUTPUTFigure 1.1 Conceptual frameworkThe researcher use Microsoft access visual basic 6.0 to make a system of Employability of Graduates students in the field of Information Management and Information Technology, The more the higher education expands, the more the knowledge becomes a key factor of productivity as a means of imp roving the professional and work development of graduates. The study will identify the demographic profile of PhilSCA graduates and determine their work and professional developments based on their individual profiles. Determining their work and professional developments will update their profile as ICS professionals. The researcher gathered the student information through the used of questionnaires or through the used of social networking site by means of immediate response . Scope and DelimitationsThis study covers selected representatives of the graduates of the Philippine State College of Aeronautics from the year 2012 until 2013, in the following programs: 1. Bachelor of Science in Information Management Major in Airline Operation and Procedures (BSIM-AOP) 2. Bachelor of Science in Aviation Information Technology (BSAIT)Their whereabouts, contact numbers, and email addresses will be located initial dissemination of the Tracer Study Survey form will be by email. Those who fail t o respond by email will be followed up by phone, fax, snail mail, relatives, friends or contacts, which ever mode is available and most feasible. The study will be limited to determining current work status of ICS alumni, but will not cover assessment or evaluation of the school’s curriculum based on alumni’s performance in the workplace.Definitions of Terms ICS Graduates – refers to students of Philippine State College of Aeronautics under the Institute of Computer Studies who have completed a degree course (i.e., Bachelor of Science in Information Management Major in  Airline Operation and Procedures , Bachelor of Science in Aviation Information Technology ) from the year 2008 to 2013, regardless of years of residencyICS Professionals – refers to alumni students of Philippine State College of Aeronautics who are presently employed or self – employedProfessional Development – refers to any career – related trainings, workshops, sho rt – term courses, or further studies undergone for self – improvement and promotion.Profile – refers to characteristics and attributes of respondents in terms of demographics (i.e., age, sex, statics, educational attainment, etc.)Programs – refers to the courses under the ICS, INET and ILAS Department. Tracer Study – refers to the investigation undertaken with an attempt to locate the desired sample, monitor or oversee their developments in terms of the connections of the work they now occupy with the education they obtained in PhilSCA, and identify the levels of accountabilities and responsibilities they have attained. Work status – refers to the previous and present work handled by the respondents in this study, whether employed or self employed, with the following specifications: work position or designation, classification or ranking of work position or designation, length of stay in work, average gross monthly income, and reasons for c hoosing the work.

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