Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Presentation of John Proctor Essay

Arthur Miller’s presentation of John Proctor’s ‘moral journey’.  It is mentioned in the Old Testament (Exodus 22:18), â€Å"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.† It was on the authority of this one sentence in the Bible that 19 witches were hanged in Salem in 1692.  To Arthur Miller, the McCarthy Hearings bore an alarming resemblance to the trials in Salem in 1692. The Crucible was his way of trying to keep history from repeating itself. McCarthy claimed America was in great danger from a Communist conspiracy to take over the world, and the people of Salem had similar views on Witchcraft. No one missed the parallels between 1692 Salem and 1953 America. But, many said, â€Å"Witches never did exist, then or now. Communists are real.† Some critics complained that the play was too cold and intellectual. Others said it wasn’t a play at all, but some kind of outburst, a political speech.  Moral- of or relating to character and human behaviour, particularly as regards to right and wrong.  Journey- a travelling or going from one place to another. Everybody, including John Proctor, has morals. They are an essential distinction of character. Everybody’s morals will differ, as it is your individual opinion of right and wrong. As a child you are taught right and wrong by your parents and at this moment you embark on your moral journey. Throughout life certain events will change the way you think; your opinion on certain matters, and inevitably, your morals. This evolution of character is not however a strictly long-term process that takes years of unforgettable proceedings and experiences to alter. Single events and circumstances can see your morals change instantaneously and it is consequently interesting to see how this applies to John Proctor and to scrutinise on how his morals change and develop in the midst of the bizarre course of events. Arthur Miller creates a very theocratic and puritan society when portraying Salem. The society and community of Salem orientates entirely around the church. The community has very strict religious views and ethics, and does not believe in any other way or possible system. The people of Salem are restrained by religious laws imposed by strict traditionalistic leaders who, through the church have been given power and control over the society and enforce it through hellfire teachings and the prevailing threat that God is watching them. No one dares to say an ungodly word against the church or speak their own mind and this creates a very tense and uneasy ambience where everybody fears for themselves to be corrupted in their own mind and commit and incriminating thought, though they know only to well that the realms of their mind are just about the only place of safe freedom of opinion. Though the majority of the people of Salem are content and tolerant with their situation a silent minority are not. These people however, would never stand up and declare their true beliefs and intent for fear of being hung. It appears that something has to give in this unsustainable situation and a single spark or event could set of a devastating mà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½là ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e of carnage and mayhem.  John Proctor is the main character in the play of The Crucible. At the outset of the play, he does not appear to be a central character, but as the story develops, one can see that the importance of his existence and the reason behind his presence are soon made known.  John Proctor is a farmer in his middle thirties. He is not a man of any real authority or weight but Proctor need not be and is none the less respected and even feared in Salem. Even-tempered and not easily led he has a sharp and biting way with hypocrites. He cannot refuse support to partisans without drawing their deepest resentment. In Proctor’s presence a fool felt his foolishness instantly and Proctor was always marked for calumny therefore. However, the steady manner he displays is an inimitable front to hide his troubled soul. Proctor is a sinner, not only against the moral fashion of the time, but against his own vision of decent conduct. He is god at containing and suppressing this and the man carries a distinct quiet confidence and an unexpressed hidden force. Deep inside his own mind however he is afraid, afraid of dying without confessing his sins and that his wife will not forgive him for his sins. Proctor is confused and a closer look shows that what he really desires is not his wife’s forgiveness but his own acceptance and consequential self-forgiveness of the sins that he is only too aware of.  Proctor is a man of strong opinion; he has many morals and views, and is not afraid to speak out against a cause he disagrees with. One such cause is the church and the authority of the reverend Paris, Proctor is quite blunt in expressing his disapproval and at one-point states, while in front of Paris, â€Å"I like not the smell of this authority†. For a man like Proctor the situation in this society is far from idyllic. His morals are undistinguished, and he is aware of the mental confusion and repression being created.  Miller uses a number of devices within his play-script to present the character of John Proctor. Using Proctor himself Miller portrays his character by using Proctor’s speech, fears and how he behaves. Other characters in the play also help to define the farmer’s character, by their speech, thoughts and behaviour which all change as the play progresses. Miller deliberately puts Proctor in scenes and situations that will cause discomfort and uneasiness for the farmer, like the courtroom scenes in act three where Elizabeth lies. It is Proctor’s conversations with Abigail however that heightens Proctor’s sense of embarrassment. In a society as restrained and suppressed as Salem it is surprising to note the free speech of Abigail. She is often blunt and persuasive to people of authority and it is a wonder that they never pick up on her allusion. It is this allusion that infuriates Proctor as only he can see through it and he is frustrated and discouraged by the power she resultantly gains. Juxtaposed with Elizabeth’s negative perception of Proctor’s sins it is visibly demonstrated that Miller is deliberately making things hard for Proctor.  It seems that Miller is ‘out to get’ Proctor just as much as Parris is and throughout the whole play Miller is constantly showing and presenting scenes and situations in a thorny complexion for Proctor that maximises every opportunity to emphasise his problems with temptation and the moral dilemma that this creates for the, as Miller would present, ‘fallen’ man.

Macroeconomics Living Standards

1.   Define the GDP price index.   Identify the person(s) who gave this idea. A GDP price index is a measure of the price of a specified collection of goods and services in a given year as compared to the price of an identical or highly similar collection of goods and services in a reference year. William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882) provided the earliest contribution to the development of index numbers. Later Wesley Clair Mitchell (1874-1948) contributed broader efforts to gather statistical data and improve economists' ability to assess economic well-being. 2. Define find the concept and measurement of `Business Cycles. Identify the person(s) who gave this idea. Economy normally goes through a series of cycles, of booms and depressions condition. For example, a slowing business activity may undergo revival activity which in turn results in business prosperity, prosperity then may breed economic crisis, economic crisis then leads to depression, after a long period of depression it may then go back to some revival activity which goes back to the same cycle. Business cycles could represent the most serious of economic instability. Survey data and cyclical indicators are the most effective measurements of business cycles. This would allow prediction of economic crisis for prevention purposes. The economist who contributed the most to this idea of business cycles is Wesley Clair Mitchell (1874-1948).   John Maynard Keynes formalized the analysis of business cycles. 3. Define the idea of `real interest rates’. Identify the person(s) who gave this idea. The â€Å"real interest rate† is calculated from the nominal rate of interest, adjusted for compounding, minus the inflation rate. Real interest rate is will depend primarily on the volatile inflation rates which poses some risk on borrowers and lenders. The person who gave meaning to ‘real interest rates’ was Irving Fisher (1867-1947). The increase in nominal interest rates in anticipation of inflation is even called as â€Å"Fisher Effect† because of his contribution. 4. Indicate who first advanced the modern theory of business cycles and where he taught. John Maynard Keynes contributed the most on the advancement of modern theory of business cycles. He lectured in Cambridge. References: C. MacConnell, S. Brue (2005). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 16/e. Origins of Idea (Chapter 7). Retrieved January 7, 2007 from C. MacConnell, S. Brue (2005). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 16/e. Origins of Idea (Chapter 8). Retrieved January 19, 2007 from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Optimism In Voltaire’s Candide Essay

Gottfried Leibniz was, among other things, a philosopher and was best known for his philosophy on optimism. Leibniz believed that there existed a supernatural being who created and controlled the world. He further espoused that this being was perfect and being a perfect being could not make anything imperfect. Leibniz was himself a mathematician and portrayed his image of God to be a mathematician as well. This being the case, Leibniz believed that God would balance out all things in the consideration of the possible actions in the world and would conclude with the optimal equation for equilibrium. Leibniz thus believed that we live in the best of all possible worlds. It was further held by Leibniz that God could have imagined and created all kinds of worlds. But being a just and gracious God, he chose to create the best possible world. Leibniz believed that such was the world and life that God created on earth. However, being finite creatures, men could not comprehend the extent of God’s plan and were painfully aware of the misfortunes that befell them. But if events were to be viewed from God’s perspective, the harm in the world would be seen as tolerable or even necessary. This philosophy was displayed through the justification of imperfections in the world with whatever positive outcomes that may have resulted, even those not directly related or those obviously not equal to the harm brought about by the imperfection. It was thus believed that the imperfections were necessary components in order to strike an optimal way of living. It should be noted that Leibniz qualitatively excluded all other options by defining the present manner of living as best, not merely better than other options. The followers of Leibniz may not have captured this exclusion. One follower, Alexander Pope, was an author of renown during Voltaire’s time. Pope espoused not that the present world was the best of all possible worlds rather he merely believed that all actions in the world are good or right. Pope believed that whatever is, is right. Therefore, everything that is in the world is right although not necessarily what is best. This lowers the standards of Leibniz’ optimism as the philosophy becomes merely that all actions, whether harmful or not, are inherently good and also result in good. These actions may not necessarily be the optimal acts to perform but they are undoubtedly right. Voltaire himself was a deist and believed that a god set the world into motion but left it to rule itself of its own accord. Therefore he could not submit to the reasoning that the world was perfect because of the perfection of such a god. It was impossible for Voltaire to believe that the misfortunes in the world were all meant to happen and more so, that each contributed to the perfection of the world. He found this particularly unreasonable when considering the harm that natural calamities inflicted upon persons. Thus, it was the philosophies of Leibniz and Pope that Voltaire responded to in several of his writings. When he wrote Candide it was optimism that he had in mind – more it seems the optimism of Leibniz’ than Pope’s. Voltaire’s Candide In Candide, the protagonist after which the book is named, is the illegitimate nephew of a baron. He falls in love with the baron’s daughter and is soon expelled from the house for having been caught kissing the girl, Cunegonde. This sparks Candide’s travels through misfortune and luck, one following the other. Shortly after his departure from the baron’s house and an encounter with several Bulgars, he is joined by his former tutor, Pangloss. It is Pangloss who has taught Candide that all things happen for the best possible outcome. The story continues with Candide attempting to win back Cunegonde. The satire unfolds with several deaths and more resurrections with Candide finding out how the friends he thought he had lost had survived the tragedies that had befallen them. In the midst of the chaos, Candide happens upon a substantial amount of precious jewels and is thus empowered to look for his lost love, Cunegonde, who had decided to marry a wealthy man in order to preserve herself. In the process he buys back the freedom of several friends, including Pangloss. Together they purchase a small farm house where they all settle down. They soon begin to quarrel however and it is only the example of a simple farmer who has employed gardening to guard himself against vice and leisure which saves them from their squabbles. The satire revolves around the human condition and Candide is thrust upon a journey filled with different settings in which said condition might be observed. He witnesses also the changing conditions of his friends and even of his beloved Cunegonde, who shifted from being a baron’s daughter to becoming a sex slave to becoming the wife of a Governor. The story is awash with examples of the different situations in which persons find themselves and the manner in which they perceive life as a result of their situations. The human nature was demonstrated as incessantly malleable and capable of adjusting to the different conditions thrust upon it by life, whether improving or degrading their status. The question posed turned to the response of the different characters to the conditions in which they found themselves. Pangloss: The Scholar of Optimism The most distinctive response to the variety of situations that were encountered was that of Pangloss. Pangloss himself started off as an educated tutor working for a baron. When the Bulgars came and ransacked the house, Pangloss was left to become a beggar. This was how he looked when he found Candide and joined his company. However, upon reaching Spain, Candide was curtly sentenced to hang for his heretical beliefs. He disappears from the story for some time but resurfaces after Candide has accumulated some wealth and has decided to search for Cunegonde. In his search for Cunegonde, Candide finds Pangloss along with Cunegonde’s brother as enslaved members of a chain gang. Candied buys back both their freedoms and Pangloss joins the company in searching for Cunegonde and thereafter living in the small farm house with them. In the end, Pangloss finds himself part of their simple farming community, finally attaining peace from the worries of their misadventures. It is noteworthy that throughout the story Pangloss does not lose his persistent optimism. He finds himself facing every misfortune focusing on the possible positive conditions that arise from his experience, even those minutely connected to himself. A rather comic scene portrays Pangloss still optimistic about having contracted syphilis. He connects his contraction of the disease with the origin of the same – if Columbus had not contracted the disease during his travels, thus propagating its spread throughout the world, there would have been no discovery of cocoa and chocolate as well. It seems that Pangloss outweighs the terrible effects of the disease both as to the reproductive cycle as to the individual affected with the proliferation of chocolate in the market. Pangloss continues to apply such philosophy in every problem that he and Candide face. He therefore guides Candide to view each hardship as still the best of the possible worlds that could possibly have been brought forth into motion. When Pangloss and Candide reach Spain he gets into a debate regarding the application of optimism in Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden. Pangloss firmly insisted that Eve ate the forbidden fruit because it would result in the exile from the Garden and thus entrance into the best possible scenario that God could have envisioned for them. It is in this explicit expression that Voltaire introduces the role of providence and destiny in Optimism. This was the very reason why Pangloss was hanged. The insinuation that Adam and Eve were pre-ordained to be exiled from Eden reflected that they were not punished because of their own free will. Rather, Optimism excluded the existence of free will as the philosophy espoused a deterministic outlook with humans being guided along to follow only the best possible path already paved by God. It is in the character of Pangloss that Voltaire depicted Leibniz, particularly so with the repeated intonations that the world is the best possible world that could be. This is certainly the philosophy espoused by Leibniz and not the one popularized by Pope. Thus, with the multiple misfortunes that befell Pangloss and his unlikely justifications for the same, Voltaire refuted the philosophical theory of Leibniz. Certainly the world that Pangloss moved in was not the best world possible, what with its deplorable misfortunes, chaotic societies and unstable order. There was certainly a lot that could have been done to improve the living conditions and to relieve the human plight depicted. Candide: The Pupil of Optimism Voltaire reflects the rejection of Optimism through the persona of Candide. This rejection however occurs throughout the events in the story. It is only at the very end that Candide rejects his tutor’s teachings and decides that there is no place for such Optimism in light of the experiences that he has gone through. From the beginning Candide is the pupil of Pangloss and he is taught the perspective of Optimism and is indoctrinated that the world is the best possible world that could have been conceived. When Candide is joined by Pangloss after the former survives the Bulgars, Pangloss teaches him to be exultant for the opportunity that the misfortune has offered them. It is in this manner that Candide struggled to embrace and hold firm to the beliefs of his tutor. When considering the absurdly deplorable conditions that Candide was made to face, it is surprising that it took him so long to completely reject the philosophy of his tutor. There is one scene where Candide is about to be eaten by cannibals where he decides to still uphold his tutor’s theories by being grateful that he did not have to succumb to the cannibals. It is also seen through Candide’s interactions that he has adopted the outlook of his tutor as regards providence. When Candide and Cacambo travel towards Cayenne for example, Candide trusts that God will intervene for them and that providence will help them to reach their destination. This is comical particularly because of the events that have transpired heretofore which reveal that providence is not on their side. If anything, it is Voltaire’s belief that God abandons the world to take care of itself which is seen throughout the story. Thus defeating the mathematical precision of Leibniz’ Optimism. After this scene however, Candide finds himself in the utopian city of Eldorado. This causes Candide to affirm the beliefs of his tutor as he thinks that all the suffering he has gone through occurred in order for him to achieve the bliss of Eldorado. In this sense Pangloss is justified in that the misfortunes experienced were mere necessities and trivialities compared to the benefits that followed. However, upon closer analysis this theory holds no water. Certainly Eldorado is a utopian and idyllic society. But doesn’t this only serve to undermine Pangloss’ theory that the world as it is, is the best possible world that it could be? With the existence of a better society than the one which they left behind, Candide should have seen that the latter is not the best society that it could be. Rather, the imperfections noticed and experienced in the society they left behind could be controlled for in the same manner that Eldorado controlled for such imperfections. Instead of supporting Pangloss’ theory, the arrival of Candide in Eldorado only showed the stubbornness of Candide in clinging on to Optimism after all of the hardships that has befallen him and his friends. In the end however, Candide is overrun by the criticisms offered by the people he meets regarding his optimistic outlook. He is also overcome by the pragmatic descriptions given about the situation of people and the condition of the world around them. It is also noteworthy that Candide was joined by a pessimist who served to counterbalance the philosophy of Pangloss. In the end however, what might finally have driven home the loss of the cause of Optimism was Pangloss’ own admission that he did not believe in the philosophy. This above all finally spurred Candide to give focus on the task before them – that of tending their newly established garden. The Reality of Optimism The satire although posing absurd situations to the different characters, presents a clear point to the issue of Optimism. Take into consideration for example the demeanor and outlook of Candide, he was optimistic about the situations that surrounded him only when he could stomach being optimistic. It was therefore a matter of attitude that determined whether the situation was truly good or bad. It can thus be seen that there was no actual determination of the circumstances presenting themselves. However, it is such a determination that is more important in order to truly assess whether or not the outcome is beneficial to a person concerned. To focus only on the outlook or perspective of persons would be to deny the reality that faces them. What Optimism would then espouse would be nothing more than selective screening of events with encoding of events that only served to improve the situation of the person concerned. Without adequate consideration of the disadvantages that a person might have undergone prior to the improvements of the situation there would be no accurate conclusion as to the actual benefit derived. This was painfully obvious with Candide’s optimistic outlooks. He was optimistic when he was striving for something he truly wanted; with complete disregard as to the harm that he went through and the like. However, when he was discouraged and had nothing to look forward to he succumbed to the doubts of optimism and failed to justify the harm encountered with corresponding benefits that may have come his way. The mere fact that harms need to be justified reflects that there is no good or best plan behind each of these. If anything, Optimism merely welcomes the existence of pain and misfortune in the world. Optimism in effect communicates that such misfortunes are a natural component of the world and there is nothing that man can do to ease the suffering of their fellow man. Such an outlook thus fails to improve the world as it is. Instead of encouraging people to work on making the world into the idyllic place that people hope it to become, Optimism espouses indolence and fatalism as people are taught to wait for other forces to act on their behalf.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Shorashim Groups Facebook campaign Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Shorashim Groups Facebook campaign - Case Study Example Their new campaign on face book commenced in February and pushed a digital firm in Israel us the effectiveness of Facebook campaign. Holidays were just nearing and the group wanted to create awareness through McCann Digital. Therefore, the firm urged 100 celebrities to change their profiles with the message. Within a day hundred individuals translated to 500 and later to thousands. This is what formed the organization that supplied food to the needy. The idea of using Facebook for their campaign was well thought as it manufactured numbers from few to a bigger margin. The strongest selling point of their campaign was by engaging celebrities. As celebrities have a huge following in face book, the impact would be more as there profiles have most views and lack. Therefore, due to their strong networking with friends who are also famous and fans to social responsibility, it was the best approach. It was the best because it attracts both numbers and willing participants of such an initiati ve. In a nutshell, Shorashim group thrived in their efforts to support the elderly due to smart social

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How to sustain acceptable employment levels Essay

How to sustain acceptable employment levels - Essay Example So hereby, we see that country's unemployment status has an inverse relationship with the economic growth. The economic growth of a country is governed by inflation in the economy, which in turn is governed by the money supply in the economy. NSSO defines Unemployment as a situation in which all those who, owing to lack of work are not working but either seeks work through employment exchanges, intermediaries, friends or relatives or making appeals to prospective employers or express their willingness under prevailing conditions of work and remunerations. (NCERT pg 131) If we consider Milton Friedman monetarist arguments, we see that the money supply is the chief determinant of economic activities, the increase or decrease of money supply in the economy cause changes in the general price level of the economy. An imbalance in the demand and supply of money can disturb the whole economic pricing of the country. The monetary authorities should always focus on maintaining the balances, which is not an easy task, and therefore most of the countries are facing the problems of unemployment. Therefore, the root cause of unemployment is money regulation in the economy. In this new era, with the dynamic development in science and technology, we see that the levels of unemployment are governed by the price and economic growth but at the same time, there is huge disparity in the rates of unemployment, if in one part of the population, the rates of unemployment are decreasing rapidly, the other part has to face the brunt by sitting idle when they are willing to work but circumstances don't allow them. The increasing developments creates jobs for those who are A1, A2, B1, B2 part of the socio economic chart but at the same time cuts the jobs for the other part. Alas!! The situation is so ironical. However, unemployment though always mordant for the individual may be proven beneficial for the economy, it helps to control inflation and economic recession. However, the concept not only provides a safety net for people, who lose their jobs, but also pumps money into local communities and eases the effects of lay-offs. Higher the unemployment, higher will be the job valued and person's urge to stick to one job would increase, ultimately lowering down the attrition rates of the organization. Therefore, unemployment in the economy is a necessary evil for the economy.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Geology Week 2 DQ 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Geology Week 2 DQ 1 - Essay Example This process enables creation of crustal material, thereby constituting this type of boundary. Transform plate boundary – Two tectonic plates move parallel to each other. They collide against each other during this movement. Earth disturbances occur for example earthquakes, leading to the formation of this boundary. Western and Eastern United States are a representation of active and passive continental margins (Rhodes & Perlman, 2001). In the light of plate tectonic theory, the Western continental margin is characterized by the occurrence of oceanic plates that result from the crashing activity of the continental edge. On the other hand, the Eastern United States continental margin is passive, meaning that it is not characterized by geological activities. Collision or subduction processes do not occur, and tectonic activity is therefore minimal (Rhodes & Perlman, 2001). As a result, extensive continental shelves emerge from erosion and weathering processes. The acceptance of plate tectonic theory based on magnetic anomalies and polar reversals followed studies and discoveries that evidenced the applicability of the theory. Historical and present continental distribution is attributed to the earth’s magnetic field (Rhodes & Perlman, 2001). Rock formation processes and plate tectonic movements have been consistently studied and proved, shaping the present geological structure in the light of the plate tectonic

Friday, July 26, 2019

An evaluation of a successful media campaign for a 2009 film Essay

An evaluation of a successful media campaign for a 2009 film - Essay Example After two years Transformers 2 was released in the month of June 2009 to a highly receptive audience in Europe and North America. The film is based on the epic battle between two forces – Decepticons versus Autobots (Gale Reference Team,2007). The former is led by Starscream of Cybertron while the latter is led by Optimums. The whole story of the film revolves around one particular character, viz. Sam Witwicky. He is a human being caught up in the conflict because he has strange visitations from Cybertronians. Finally, the battle for the earth expands in to a battle for the universe and as expected, Decepticons are defeated by Autobots. Being a science fiction Transformers 2 has all the characteristics of both imaginable and unimaginable stretches of human perception ( What is so significant about the film is the notion that the earth and humans would be protected by an alien force against any possible attack by a more powerful civilization. As with any other science fiction involving heavy machines, Transformer 2 is also a slugfest among a variety of metallic machines that incidentally have names as human individuals would have ( However there is one particular aspect of the film that cannot be brushed aside as mere imagination of Steven Spielberg. The psychology behind a universal battle is based on the thematic paradigm that pits the evil against the good. Spielberg has invariably identified both connotations and denotations of the remotest possibility, i.e. a war between two extraterrestrial forces over human affairs. In other words the existence of extraterrestrials is without logic; yet there are people who subscribe to the theory of extraterrestrials. The melodramatic characterization of fighting machines on the basis of quality attributes farfetched though, human imagination does not reject the possibility of a no-holds-barred slugfests

Thursday, July 25, 2019

History Discussion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

History Discussion - Research Paper Example Rule by a central government is seen to be effective as it will give the nation great power in making crucial decision such as going to war or how government finances should be distributed. This is seen due to the fact that there are less bureaucratic processes in dealing with when dealing with a centralized government than when dealing with a devolved government. Ratification of this constitution across all states is seen to be important as this will greatly increase the geographical size of the nation and also encourage the joining of new states. Having a large nation in terms of geographical size is seen to be important as these increases the quantity resources available in the country (Maier.1998). This will also increase the variety of resources which are available in the country as a resource not found in a particular state can be found in another. The availability of a wide range of resources is bound to affect the economic growth of the nation positively in that this will enable the production of a wide range of goods. This will lead to the steady rise in the economy of the country with the nation likely to be able to produce all goods needed by its citizens. Moreover, the ability to produce excess goods will be important as this will encourage trade with other countries thus resulting in further economic growth within the nation. The ratification of this constitution will thus spur fast economic growth across the country. Ratification of the constitution will also be helpful in ensuring the equal growth of all areas across the nation will give the central government an opportunity to be able to help out the states which cannot grow fast enough due to lack of resources. The ratification of this constitution is thus bound to increase national loyalty and change the way Americans think of each other. This will encourage citizens to view each other as brothers’ thus encouraging people to look for opportunities beyond

INTEREIM PROJECT REPORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

INTEREIM PROJECT REPORT - Essay Example Wakelyn (49) asserts that the report gives summarized initial findings of the second assessment of the interim project report which aims at exploring the benefits of the occupational & health safety management. The project helps the students to apply the management theories to organizational settings such as a business to ensure the swift running of its activities as asserted by Ares (67). The assessment also assists students in applying the management skills in resolving around a management issue. This is done through effective communication within the workplace which ensures an environment which nurtures business opportunity among the students (Schwartz 13). Therefore, an interim manager is a person who provides temporary managerial support usually to an executive level of an organization or business and who also leads in achieving its objectives (Kahlmeter 17). The interim management helps an organization surpass a trouble which might need extra management resources to control the crisis or transformation in the direction of management. There is a series of test for example clinical trials that can be used to tests and determine the managerial skills in project research and development in order to come up with individuals who are able to generate safety and efficacy in the project report. According to Kahlmeter (20), the interim project report provides an opportunity to present the details of the running of the project. This demonstrates the integration of the project management theory in planning stages (Christensen 343). This report gives a setailed of a number of assessments that was done during the implementation of the project especially on occupational and health safety management. The report also is a detailed interim of relationships of activities in the Jim’s company company business such as cleaning background, job functions and safety medical management among others.This report is presented in the business format which is submitted to the m anagement team of the organization. The report also varies according to the nature of the project but the report encompasses the following: Scope statement Meyers et al (10) have it that scope statement depends on the type of project being implemented and also the nature of the organization and it normally takes many forms. The scope statement normally gives details of the project and it also describes the major objectives of the projects. This is the part of the project report that captures the broader terms and the narrower terms of the products of the project (Schwartz 19). The objectives stated here should have a measurable success criterion that will help in the realization of the project’s goals. This part of the interim report normally contains a list of users of the products and the features of the products to be introduced in the market which the business produces (Meyers et al 19). The scope statement of the interim project report contain the project name, the proje ct charter, the project owner, sponsors, stakeholders, the problem statement, the project goals, objectives and among other project requirements. The scope also states

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Sales Management - Report on Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Sales Management - Report on - Case Study Example The company may wish to examine changing the bonus structure from an annual structure to a quarterly method to enhance motivations for those extrinsically motivated. Research indicates that there is another poor performer in the sales group, Robert, who may also be reliant on extrinsic motivational rewards. Based on all statistics and qualitative evaluations of performance, it is recommended that Concorde develop a training program that focuses on cost controls, lean ideology and production surplus to assist salespersons in reducing expenses that are contributing to a low average gross margin. Jose, especially, requires empathic yet assertive discourse about his performance to motivate and inspire Jose to take responsibility for his sales leadership deficiencies. Concorde and Associates, a company specialising in the sale of computer peripherals to major computer manufacturers, achieved a marginal increase in sales which only surpassed sales forecasts by one percent. During the formal performance evaluation period, the regional sales manager began an investigation into the performance statistics of the sales team to determine which were over-performing and which staff members under-performing. Jose, a sales representative from the Arizona territory, had fallen short of achieving the sales expected in his established sales quota on three of the four main product lines offered by the company. Jose was the largest under-performer in the business, which requires a critical assessment of what strategies should be employed to improve his performance and, if appropriate, other salespersons not achieving expected performance goals. This report highlights what might have contributed to Jose’s poor performance, evaluates other salespersons that might have moderate performance issues, highlights the approach that should be taken to fairly and accurately evaluate Jose’s total performance and provides

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

American politics and government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

American politics and government - Essay Example Obviously, the remarkable life story of Roosevelt is hard to fit into just one biographical volume due to the breadth of its importance and his impact on United States history. Friedal’s hard task was harder when Roosevelt s complex personality is taken into account, making it even more difficult. However Frank Freidel makes an almost masterful job of such an onerous task in " Franklin D. Roosevelt - A rendezvous with Destiny." The book starts with a brief look at Roosevelt s privileged if somewhat lonely youth in the opening chapters, and obviously ends the book with Roosevelt’s death just after the Yalta conference in April 1945. He died shortly before the final defeat of Nazi Germany and left Harry Truman with the task of ending the war. The vast majority of this book covers his political career from its modest start during Woodrow Wilson’s administration as a junior naval official, all the way to his death during his record forth term in the presidential office. Freidels account of Roosevelt trying to manipulate global gold prices was an enlightening part of his book. Friedal manages to provide a good in depth behind the scene look of the Roosevelt administration trying to implement the New Deal programs to counter the Great Depression during the early 1930s. The majority of the New Deal legislation was pushed through a Republican controlled Congress during the first hundred days of Roosevelt’s first term in the White House. Some of the most controversial parts of the New Deal were not passed through the Republican controlled Congress and a conservatively minded Supreme Court. Those parts of the New Deal programs that were enacted helped to restore national confidence, improve infrastructures such as the development of dams and the production of hydroelectric power. Freidel argues that in terms of foreign affairs that Roosevelt was fairly quick to catch on to the danger that Hitler and his Nazi regime represented to global peace and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Observation of a Toddler (Lifespan) Essay Example for Free

Observation of a Toddler (Lifespan) Essay Abstract I observed Harper, a 23 month old little girl that is full of energy. Also participating in the interaction with Harper was her mother and five year old sister, Mya. Harper is very friendly and outgoing. She is very interested â€Å"reading books† and loves to be read to. She enjoys helping her mother clean and do simple tasks. She seems to be very confident with and without her mother in her sight. Harper’s father is not actively involved in her life because he lives in another state. Observation of a Toddler 1. Harper is a 23 month old little girl. She is 34 inches tall and weighs approximately 27 pounds. She has blonde hair and blue eyes and a very pretty smile. 2. Harper’s gross motor skills are normative. She is able to walk, squat and run with ease. She can go up and down stairs one at a time all by herself and according to her mother she is â€Å"reasonably bowel trained† although she has nighttime accidents. Harper’s fine motor skills are also normative. She can throw a ball overhand, handle a spoon well, turns pages in her book and washes her hands. The skills Harper has are normative because they are in sync with other toddlers her age. Our book states â€Å"By 18-24 months, toddlers can walk quickly or run stiffly for short distance, walk backward without losing their balance, stand and kick a ball without falling, stand and throw a ball and jump in place†(Santrock, 2011, p. 129). a. Harper ZPD was in the upper limit. She had to be told to pull down her pants when she went to potty; but didn’t need to be told to wipe and pull her pants up. Her mother scaffolded by telling her what to do initially and letting her figure the rest out for herself. 3. Harper has mastered five substages. She is currently in Piaget’s sixth substage of sensorimotor development, Internalization of schemes. She loves to play with her kitchen and pretends to do dishes. She has learned this from watching her mother. She also engages in imaginative play with her sister. 4. Harper is very vocal and expresses herself very well. She has trouble with the L phenome and pronounces the letter L as a W. Example: She says wap instead of lap. She likes to listen to stories and responds with â€Å"what’s that?† and â€Å"Why†. She uses syntax. She understands the meaning of most words. Example: Her mother said â€Å"do you love mommy† and Haper replied â€Å"yes† the mother asked â€Å"how much† and Harper replied â€Å"sixty dollars†. 5. Harper had an easy temperament. She was very happy and easy to please. She was also easily redirected when her sister took her toy. 6. Harper was gender type was supported because she loves to wear dresses, play with dolls, loves the color pink, and loves princesses. While Harper is quite the girly girl she also likes to get dirty and kick the ball with her neighbor. 7. I would describe Harper as a securely attached child. When her mother left to run to the store to give me some alone time with her she seemed a little scared and wanted to go with her mother. Her mother was gone for approximately 15 minutes and Harper was fine after her mother was out of sight and didn’t seem to notice much when her mother returned. She continued to play with her toys and barely looked up. 8. When Harper hit her sister Harper’s mother used negative punishment to discipline her. She made her sit in a time out for two minutes and she was unable to play with her sister or her toys. She was also told if she hit her sister again she would have to go to bed immediately and would not be able to play with her sister for the rest of the night. Harper’s mother also used positive punishment by telling Harper that only mean girls hit and that she was being bad. At first, Harper responded by crying. However, she displayed compliance by sitting her in time out chair by herself and staying there until her mother told her that is was okay for her to get up. This combination of negative and positive punishment seemed to work as there no more episodes of bad behavior during my observation. 9. Harper is currently in the stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt. In this stage â€Å"The child is developing physically and becoming more mobile. Between the ages of one and three, children begin to assert their independence, by walking away from their mother, picking which toy to play with, and making choices about what they like to wear, to eat, etc†(McLeod, 2008, para. 4). Harper likes to pick out her own clothes and expresses that she likes dolls and the color pink and that she does not like to eat beans. She is on her way to achieving the virtue of will by expressing her likes and dislikes. Harper has mastered the previous stage of Trust vs. Mistrust and has achieved the virtue of hope. She is very comfortable with her surroundings and a very easy child. She does not appear to have a heightened anxiety or agitation even when her mother in out of her sight. She easily warms up to others and has a very sunny disposition. References McLeod, S. A. (2008). Psychosocial stages. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from Santrock, J. W. (2011). Life-Span development (13th ed.). Ny, Ny: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The very important process of recycling

The very important process of recycling Introduction: Recycling is one of the most important methods used to reduce or preventing environmental crisis. It is the process of reprocessing used objects and turning them into new material. Waste is mostly used in recycling and it has a massive shocking effect on our nature like global warming and recycling the waste is an effective way to reduce the global warming problem. It also helps reduce the use of natural resources which is as well a very big problem because we abuse natural resources these days. The usual method of waste dumping or disposal is either by air or water which causes severe pollution to it and by using recycling as useful method its can help reduce the pollution a lot. We can also save space that is usually used for dumping waste and turning it into useful places. The lack of the basic materials and the need to create new ways to help fulfill the needs of humans made recycling one of the biggest important industries in the world. It became such an important industry becau se it helps get rid of the trash and waste and the toxic substances and its releases gases in a way that suits the environment and not affect it badly. Around the world, the recycling issue became an essential topic of all important gatherings and events because it is a very crucial matter. Global warming, the extreme weather changes, extinction of animal and the sea and ocean pollution and the death of plants all occur due to the carelessness of some factories and their wastes and the gases coming out of it. Recycling Paper The process of recycling 1. Sorting The first step in recycling paper is making sure the paper is free of any contaminants like food, metal and trash. 2. collection and transportation Secondly you take either to a nearby recycling center or a recycling bin after that it will be collected by a worker. 3. storage A very important part of the recycling process because the workers separate the different types of paper and then sort them together to make different kinds of recycled paper items. 4. Re-pulping and Screening The next step is called re-pulping, the enhanced paper is put into a machine called a pulper, and this machine contains a mix of water and chemicals. It cuts the paper into small pieces of fibers which turns into soft mix and that is called a pulp. The pulp is poured into a strainer which keeps the contaminants out of the mix and keeping just the pure pulp. In a large cone shaped machine pulp remains in a spinning process until all the heavy contaminants stay at the bottom of the machine and the lighter ones stay in the middle and then removed. 5. Refining, Bleaching and Color Stripping Refining is the next step in which the pulp mixture is crushed to make the fibers bigger to make it ready for the next process. If the paper is colored it will need some chemicals to remove the color and if its white it will need oxygen to make it lighter and if its brown then it does not have to be bleached. 6. Deinking The last step is papermaking; pulp has to be mixed with water and chemicals. This mix goes into a huge machine called a head box and its sprayed on a straining wire track that moves very quickly. The water from the paper mix starts to drop and the fibers start to attach to each other and form wet sheet. The wet sheet goes into rolling presses which compresses the sheet and sheds all the excessive water and dries the sheets out. After that the sheets goes through heated metal roller to dry them out and the paper is made. Positive Effects of Recycling Recycling paper is the economic process of the first degree as it, helps to reduce imports of raw materials for papermaking and reducing unemployment and this through the prevision of job opportunities for young people. Preserves the Environment Recycling paper is working to safeguard the environment. For example, the paper is manufactured. There is also became a growing demand for paper, many of the trees divided for the production of paper. For recycling paper is available to prevent the destruction of forests. These days, we see a large number of forests to produce shatter for the production of the growing demand for paper. Recycling a ton paper helps to preserve our natural resources and saves equivalent 12 trees. Also, recycling paper helps in getting rid of the paper is doomed sound environmental manner, rather than burned or buried, leading to increased pollution and reduces the demand for wood and fiber and to allow the forest to increase their capacity to absorb atmospheric carbon. In addition, working on protection of agricultural land and places of throwing waste paper. Recycling Saves Energy Processing raw materials requires a great deal of energy. But any processing used materials reduce the energy requirements for instance recycling paper. Also the process of recycling paper reduces a lot of pressure on energy resources. How Does Recycling Affect The Environment? Positives and Negatives The Negative Effects of Recycling Paper Recycling paper conserves energy and landfill space, maintains the trees and reduces defilement. Although it is a procedure that produces some emissions and products harmful secondary. This process is working to develop a lot of ground techniques. Energy Use Recycling paper conserves 28% to 70%. This keeping is debatable for of the sort of energy utilization in two operations. Using recycled paper fossil fuels whereas the production maiden paper appoints the litter products from wood to provide high rate of its energy needs. In addition, recycling paper requires less energy from the plastic but for the recycled paper bag requires more energy from the plastic bags recycling process. Harmful Chemicals In this process is necessary that the indelible ink from used paper. The facilities of recycling use several of chemicals like chlorine and process. There is a particular problem is print from laser and copy machines. The Chemicals that is much more from chemicals caustic than level requires removal de-inking chemicals. De-inking chemicals includes some ponderously mental and other vehicles. Solid Waste Recycling waste paper teems sludge that includes solids (very small fibers). Often these waste sent to the landfill including mental. Incineration is an ersatz however the incineration serves to disseminate dangerous emissions like dioxins and hydrocarbons. For the residual ash also is sent to landfills. In summary, recycling is extremely essential and we should raise awareness because people mostly are very oblivious and clueless about it. We have to recycle in order to maintain a healthy environment we can live in happily. Try to minimize the use of paper and raw material so that we can save natural resources. We should be able to live in a healthy planet a thoughtful life. We have to consider the fact that there are other species living with us in the same planet that our silly acts and unhealthy behavior have negative effects on.

Social Media Impact on Fast Food Chain (KFC)

Social Media Impact on Fast Food Chain (KFC) Uuse Table of Contents (Jump to) 1. Introduction 1.1 Research aim 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Research objective 2. Literature review 2.1 Social media 2.2 Impact of social media 2.3 Fast food chain 3. Research methodology 3.1 Research design 3.2 Population and Sampling method 3.3 Data collection 3.4 Reliability and validity 3.5 Ethical consideration 3.6 Data analysis 3.7 Research limitation 4. Anticipated findings 1. Introduction This report is targeted on exploring and understanding the impact of social media on fast food chain, focusing on fast food companies of UK. So, we have chosen KFC for case study to carry out the research on this topic, as KFC is well known company in fast food industry not only in UK but worldwide. In today’s world, people are attached with the social media and defy on it while selecting any organization they need to deal to fulfill their needs. So, social media impacts on the buying behavior of customers and on selection of the organization. Social media is used by the companies in order to advertise their products and services. In this report, we first sort out research aims and research questions that start the plan for research. Then in literature review, the concepts on social media along with its impact and the fast food chain are discussed. Further, we choose research method and research design for this report and then we also choose the methods of data collection and data analysis. Finally, in this research proposal we discuss the anticipated findings that we could achieve from this research. KFC is a fast food company now owned by Pepsico and was established in the service station of USA serving chickens. The full form of KFC is Kentucky Fried Chicken, based in Lousville, it is one of the few brands in USA that can boast about having 59 year old history of success and innovation. KFC serves chicken along with varieties of other products like burger, mashed potatoes, and sandwiches also. It has been serving customers foods as prepared at home at very affordable price that could be bought by people of even low income also. It has opened its 15,000 outlets in 105 countries like Malaysia, China, UK and so on. In this report, we carry out our research in the outlets that are situated in different places in the capital city of UK that is London. KFC is famous for serving chicken with unique taste that has been able to win hearts of several people all over the world. It has many employees working through its outlets in several countries speaking different languages and from dif ferent cultures and tradition but are dedicated to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. The unique taste of fried chicken of KFC as well as different flavors of chicken curry, tom yam chicken, hot and spicy and original recipe etc. has been unique feature of KFC which has made it popular among its customers and a successful company in the fast food industry. 1.1 Research aims This report is concerned on social media and the fast food chain, so the aims of this research are also based around it. This research aims to find following facts on the fast food chain, To understand the social media used by KFC. To find the impact of social media on customers. To find the impact of social media in the company. To find the effectiveness of social media. 1.2 Research Questions This report is determined to find out the answers to following research questions: What is the effect of social media on KFC? What is the social media used by KFC? How is social media being helpful to KFC? What is the impact of social media on customers? 1.3 Research objectives This report is based on the hypothesis on finding the impact of social media on fast food chain. So, it sheds light on the effects of social media on the fast food companies. This research has been carried out with certain objectives which are sorted out in following points: To gain knowledge on the use of social media by KFC. To understand the impact of social media on KFC. To study the impact of social media on customers and employees of KFC. 2. Literature review In literature review section of this report, we gain knowledge on social media, its use in fast food industry and also its impact on the organization. We also discuss about the fast food industry and the fast food chains. In this report the discussion is centered on the role of social media in daily life, its consumption, customer’s perceptions of advantages and disadvantages of social media, the acceptance and impact of social media advertising, the level of engagement of brand through social media and the role of other media in reinforcing social media communication. 2.1 Social media Social media has revolutionized the communicating methods of the individuals, community, organization or the whole world. It can be defined as,† a group of internet based applications that is build on the ideological and technological foundations that allow the creation of exchange of User Generated Content.† It has been convenient way of communicating with the people not only within a certain region but within the globe. It has become an essential part of an organization in order to communicate with its customers, suppliers, investors as well as its employees. Rapid use of social media by the customers has enforced the organization to use those media in order to communicate with their customers as well as to build solid relationship with them that helps in customer retention. So, they are using blogs, wikis, podcast, social networking sites, websites and you tube so as to stay in touch with their customers and to get informed of new offerings on the market. Most of the o rganizations are using social media for marketing and include these media in their marketing strategies and plans. As consumers are turning away from traditional sources of advertising like radio and television, social media has become modern solution for advertising within the mass and wide range of people. Blogs are a kind of social media where people post images, ideas or links. Social networks are places where people with common interest meet and form personal websites. Content communities are websites where particular content can be organized or shared with others. Forums are sites for exchanging ideas or information around particular interests. Some of the most popular social media that people use are facebook, twitter, You Tube, Flickr, and Wikipaedia. Social media sites have been attracting millions of users around the world and some researches also show that most of the people in the world remain in touch with the social media sites daily. Social media is combination of sev eral internet tools that enable users to generate, exchange and modify content continuously. Social media like facebook, twitter, instagram, you tube websites, mobile social media etc have overwhelming number of followers increasing day by day. As the fast food industry in UK has become very competitive along with entry of several players, it has increased the level of competition and challenged the marketing players. So, KFC though is very popular needs to use more advertising sources in order to get a competitive edge and to win over its rivals. Social media has been rapidly used by KFC in order to gain global access and also for reducing its transaction costs. Further, it also facilitates access to potential customers along with customization of products and services and exchange of service and information. It has also become easiest way of taking orders for the food items for the company as well as its customers due to overwhelming use of social media. 2.2 Impact of social media Social media as being used rapidly by the people around the world attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social network sites. It acts as a platform for everyone who has easy access of internet. Social media also serves as the best advertising media as it is driven by word of mouth and can be considered as earned media rather than paid media. It also helps in increasing brand awareness through increased communication activities. It can be helpful in marketing campaigns for the recognition of the organization in the newer market as well as existing market. Social media is an online content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. It provides numerous opportunities for strengthening and expanding relationships to customers. Social media impacts the customers for the selection of the organization they want to deal in order to fulfill their requirements as they are closely related to these media nowadays and trust these media the most to get information. For this research, it is important to understand the effect of social media on the potential customers when they are deciding which product or services they want to acquire. Customers use social media to enable them to create and share content, and communicate with one another build relationship with other people. Social media has become major factor in influencing various aspects of customer behavior including needs, recognition, information acquisition, opinions and attitudes, purchase behavior and post purchase communication. Social media develop horizontal relationship ranging from customer service to customer retention and acquisition. Increasing use of social websites perceive as a tool in forming online communities of users. Also companies can obta in various feedbacks and comment regarding their services so that they can improve their service in order to meet the needs and satisfaction of customers. Development of social media has helped in growth and expansion of business of fast food companies like KFC. 2.3 Fast food chain Fast food industry was not been available since ancient times but it has now becoming rapidly growing industry along with busy and scheduled life of people. As its name this industry is famous within its customers in providing quick food service for the rush hour of rapidly moving people. Mostly fast food industry serves quick foods like hamburger, sandwiches and also meat contained product. This industry is one of the most competitive and saturated industry in developed countries like UK or USA. Fast food service has culture has been embraced by several people due to their busy schedule and also easy availability of food when they want. 3. Research methodology 3.1 Research design This research is based on fast food chains and needs to explore the facts on impacts of social media, so it follows positivism theory of research methodology and deductive approach as the process of this research arrives at conclusions based on the interpretation of the meaning of the results of data analysis. This research is of exploratory nature as less previous researches have been found regarding this subject and general nature of the problem along with factors related to it has to be discovered. So, this research is commanded by qualitative methodology as it is of exploratory nature. Through deductive process, this research aims to uncover rich and detailed descriptions with a holistic focus. 3.2 Population and Sampling method In the proposed study, the population to be studied has been first identified and sampling frame was developed. The population for this study comprises all the customers and employees who are related to KFC belonging to different levels of jobs they are employed to. As this research is carried in KFC stores located at London Chinatown and Marylebone in London, UK, the population for this report is the customers and employees who are related to the stores there. Further, non-probability sampling method will be used for this research as it doesn’t involve random selection which is not feasible for this research. This research is of exploratory nature, so convenience sampling method is appropriate where the samples are selected looking into the ease of their accessibility and interest for the study. As the name reveals, convenience sampling is selected because it is convenient and often saves time and effort of the researcher to select a random sample. 3.3 Data collection As per the need of the study, both primary and secondary data will be collected, but priority will be given to collection of primary data, which will be both quantitative as well as qualitative. Primary data will be collected by some of the popular techniques used in this field. Primary data will be collected via field study where the researcher will visit KFC stores in order to collect data. In KFC stores, the researcher will collect the data through questionnaire method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and then after they finish collecting it. So, questionnaire will be designed in view of data requirements and will be distributed to the respondents in the field. The respondents will be convinced that their responses will be kept confidential and average time taken to fill the questionnaire will also be limited. Secondary data will be collected adopting various secondary means and through the access of some secondary sources available conveniently. It will be collected from previous researches, previous studies, published or unpublished documents, annual reports of KFC, journals on KFC and other related articles that can be useful for this research. Secondary information available will be useful in checking the validity and reliability of empirical field data. The methods adopted in the study to generate relevant data will be guided by research objectives, questions and type of data required for the study. 3.4 Reliability and validity A reliable measurement is one which gives consistent results on independent testing. If the findings of one piece of work can be replicated by another research group, or by the same research group at a later occasion, then it produces the same result, then it is deemed to be reliable. Though total reliability is difficult to be achieved, quantitative methods are likely to aspire to it. In order to eliminate the chances of error, it is always better, if there are repeated observations and the measurements of the same individuals or situations. Validity concerns whether a research method gives a true picture of what it claims to have recorded, and shows social realities as they really are. No matter how reliable data may be, it will always be limited in its validity if the researcher cannot show that it gives true account of what it is being studied. It is the strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions. It is an element that addresses the issues of whether the researcher is actually measuring what they want to. Reliability estimates the consistency of measurement and validity estimates the accuracy of your measurement. A measure can be perfectly reliable but yet not valid, which shows that reliability and validity differ from each other. 3.5 Ethical consideration In present situation, researchers have to carry out their research along with the consideration of ethical issues as well as obligations regarding the people participating in the research as well as the organization. Researchers need to do everything in their authority to make sure that their research doesn’t harm the cultural or ethical respect of the participants. So, for the research, written permission to conduct it has been sought and the Code of Good Research Practice of KFC will be followed. The respondents will be chosen based upon their willingness towards the research. Privacy, anonymity and confidentiality (PAC) of the studied groups will be strictly maintained. The data collection method includes personal information of the respondent also, so the information will be kept confidential and will not be used for other purposes than the research. Further, data provided by KFC will be secured in files with password protection. The final reports will not be provided for other researches and will not be provided for wider circulation. The participants as well as the organization under study will be provided with the required information on the research as well as the researcher. Further, while doing research the researcher should also ensure that the participants will be provided with certain questions to be answered and given certain time which will be recorded by the researcher. Further, the rules and regulations of KFC as well as of the business schools shall be followed while carrying out the research. 3.6 Data analysis Data analysis is very decisive in research as researcher has to highlight how in what ways data has to be tabulated and analyzed. The data collected from secondary and primary sources will be analyzed to obtain findings of the research. Statistical procedures will be clearly indicated. Quantitative as well qualitative data will be analyzed using the techniques that are available and easy to use. Simple statistical techniques will be espoused for analyzing data such as charts, diagram, figures percentage rank etc. so, qualitative and quantitative data will be analyzed, categorized and tabulated according to the objectives of the research study. 3.7 Research limitation Like every other researches, this research is also bound into certain limitations that has to be followed and considered while carrying out this research. There are certain limitations for this research which binds this research in a small boundary with restricted time frame. Hence, major limitation of this research is termed as the timetable that limits this research in a boundary of time frame for completion of this research. Further, limitation of this research also has been observed in the research method to be used which is in the sampling method to be used in this research. The limitation also can be observed in the scope of this research. Also, the research methodology of this research is chosen for the shorter span of time and less time consuming method due to restriction of time. So, this research may not shed much light on the impacts of social media but can be useful in order to carry out other researches in future regarding the same subject matter. 4. Anticipated findings After the analysis of data collected from the research, this report may shed light on various facts on social media and its impact on the fast food chains. So, we can assume that we can be able to shed light on the following points of the subject topic: Reveal the involvement of KFC in use of social media. Provide information on impact of social media on KFC. Provide information on advantage or disadvantage of social media regarding fast food chains. Provide suggestions on use of social media for benefit of fast food chains.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hingham, Massachusetts :: Hingham Massachusetts

Hingham, Massachusetts In 1633 settlers from Hingham, England landed on the south shore of Massachusetts. Soon after, my relatives arrived in Hingham, Massachusetts and our heritage has remained intact ever since. Eleanor Roosevelt traveled down Main St. Hingham and described it as the most beautiful Main Street in America. Ancestors of 16th president, Abraham Lincoln were among the first to arrive in Massachusetts and his massive statue in downtown Hingham helps people remember that. The oldest church with continuous use in the United States built in 1681 is located in Hingham also. The Old Ordinary, a tavern used by 17th century travelers is also among the historical features in Hingham Mass. Wompatuck State Park draws many naturalists and outdoor junkies with its 7 square miles of forest once used as an ammunition depot during WW II. These landmarks bring a unique group of tourists to the South Shore. The South Shore is also full of endless natural beauty. The surrounding secluded beaches and harbors on ly compliment the gorgeous lakes, rivers, cranberry bogs and acres of forest. The colors that appear in Hingham during autumn are exemplary of the New England autumnal foliage for which many travel to see. This historically cultured area is a beautiful, yet expensive home for thousands of people. Hingham, Massachusetts generally remains quiet and free from any intense excitement and terror. While walking down the shores of Hingham one can hear the quiet crashing of the waves and look out and see the big lights of Boston. Hingham and the rest of the south shore act as a safe haven from the big city life. The tourism that does affect Hingham is limited and does not significantly affect the local economy. There are activities of people that live within the surrounding areas that may affect the economy. Water sports become popular in the summer months which will affect boat sales, gas usage and smaller companies that operate around the use of boats such as yacht clubs. There is more activity in the areas that surround Hingham. To the south of Hingham is Hull, where the majority is built of people in the working class and others who only enjoy spending the pleasant summer days at there home. Hull attracts significantly more people in the summer time as it is a peninsula and a large part of the coast is beach. There are several small businesses that solely rely on summertime business.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Power Struggles in Jury of Her Peers and Mama Come Home Essay

The Power Struggles in Jury of Her Peers and Mama Come Home The issue of dominance and subordinance is addressed in the short stories â€Å"A Jury of her Peers† by Susan Glaspell and â€Å"Mama Come Home† by James Tiptree, Jr. In the stories the subordinates are harmed by the dominants, but the subordinates overcome the suppression to triumph in the end. The groups with the power control the laws and the positions of the weaker group. To begin with, â€Å"A Jury of her Peers† is about the way women in 1917 were treated by men. The main women characters are Minnie Wright, Mrs. Peters, and Mrs. Hale. The women in the story are confined to their homes; rarely getting to go to town or visit with their friends. The women did not have many things with color and beauty. The men looked down on the women as inferior. The women in the story are the subordinates and the men are the dominants, because the men oppress the women and control them. â€Å"Mama Come Home† is a science fiction story about the way women treat men in the future. Giant alien women, called Capellans, come to Earth and abuse the smaller Earthmen. The women have no respect for the men. The men are helpless because the women are so large and powerful. The women in this story are the dominants and the men in the story are the subordinates, because the women control the men and everything the men do. The subordinates in the story â€Å"A Jury of her Peers† are emotionally abused by their husbands. The men treat the women like they are incapable of doing the same tasks as the men. An example is when the men are looking for clues to find a motive for the murder of Minnie Wright’s husband. They assign the women the task of finding Minnie Wright, who was being retaine... ... women determine what happened, Mrs. Peters becomes more compassionate and starts to feel Minnie’s pain. At the end of the story, Mrs. Peters helps Mrs. Hale hide the evidence that could convict Minnie. Tillie, one of the main characters in â€Å"Mama Come Home,† changes during the course of the story. Tillie is a human that looks like a Capellan, a giant alien woman. Tillie is friends with the Capellans until she sees the way the Capellans treat her male friend. Tillie becomes upset and decides to help the humans scare off the Capellans. Without Tillie’s help, the human’s plan would not have worked. In summary, the stories show how dominants can hurt subordinates and how subordinates can find ways to overcome the power of the dominant group. The characters learn that the dominants hurt people, and they must help out their friends by doing the right thing.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Oregon Trails :: Education, Culture

Race, gender, sex, death; these are some topics that are frequent occurrences in literature, history, and present day life. Regardless of the frequency of these subjects instructors are often hesitant to embark upon discussing them during instruction. Despite apprehensions to discuss these controversial topics they shape events and society, and should be incorporated in a student’s education. In fact by not examining these topics students are being done a grave disservice. Exploring these troublesome topics and even questioning why they may not be spoken about or how they influence society cause students to gain vital knowledge and become less ignorant. The Oregon Trails may be considered by some to be a tool to aide students in becoming more knowledgeable on diverse topics. It has been called a â€Å"multiethnic† interactive computer game that allows students to travel along the trail and gain insight on the life of a person traveling to the Oregon Territory (Bigelow, 2009, p. 317). This game has been put on a pedestal by critics and has been awarded five stars by the Pride’s Guide to Educational Software for being â€Å"a wholesome, absorbing historical simulation† (Bigelow, 2009, p. 317). The outstanding critiques of this software creates an appealing route for many teachers to take in order to incorporate an engaging activity that abides by state and school curriculum standards. However what the critics do not inform teachers is this educational game is in reality spoon feeding students a dishonest account of history. The game takes on the white males view and neglects to account for gender and cultural bias es that occur during this time period (Bigelow, 2009, p.319). By not pointing out the societal issues that occurred during this time period, students are really being done a disservice. There is no reason why instructors have to keep the fact that racism against minority groups and gender groups occurred, and still do. As Bigelow (2009) stated, â€Å"Just as we would not invite a stranger into our classrooms and then leave the room, teachers need to become aware of the political perspectives of CD-ROMs and need to equip students to â€Å"read† them critically†(p. 318). Instructors should point out the data deceptions within The Oregon Trails to aide students in gaining a stronger sociological eye to examine historical accounts and society as a whole. Teachers should have students approach the game and question why social groups are missing from the game, why they are perceived the way they, are and how these social groups may influence society or change the game. The Oregon Trails :: Education, Culture Race, gender, sex, death; these are some topics that are frequent occurrences in literature, history, and present day life. Regardless of the frequency of these subjects instructors are often hesitant to embark upon discussing them during instruction. Despite apprehensions to discuss these controversial topics they shape events and society, and should be incorporated in a student’s education. In fact by not examining these topics students are being done a grave disservice. Exploring these troublesome topics and even questioning why they may not be spoken about or how they influence society cause students to gain vital knowledge and become less ignorant. The Oregon Trails may be considered by some to be a tool to aide students in becoming more knowledgeable on diverse topics. It has been called a â€Å"multiethnic† interactive computer game that allows students to travel along the trail and gain insight on the life of a person traveling to the Oregon Territory (Bigelow, 2009, p. 317). This game has been put on a pedestal by critics and has been awarded five stars by the Pride’s Guide to Educational Software for being â€Å"a wholesome, absorbing historical simulation† (Bigelow, 2009, p. 317). The outstanding critiques of this software creates an appealing route for many teachers to take in order to incorporate an engaging activity that abides by state and school curriculum standards. However what the critics do not inform teachers is this educational game is in reality spoon feeding students a dishonest account of history. The game takes on the white males view and neglects to account for gender and cultural bias es that occur during this time period (Bigelow, 2009, p.319). By not pointing out the societal issues that occurred during this time period, students are really being done a disservice. There is no reason why instructors have to keep the fact that racism against minority groups and gender groups occurred, and still do. As Bigelow (2009) stated, â€Å"Just as we would not invite a stranger into our classrooms and then leave the room, teachers need to become aware of the political perspectives of CD-ROMs and need to equip students to â€Å"read† them critically†(p. 318). Instructors should point out the data deceptions within The Oregon Trails to aide students in gaining a stronger sociological eye to examine historical accounts and society as a whole. Teachers should have students approach the game and question why social groups are missing from the game, why they are perceived the way they, are and how these social groups may influence society or change the game.

Sainsburys Corporate And Business Strategy Education Essay

Maximizing stockholder value Sir Terry Leahy, main executive since the mid 1990s, has adopted courageous measure of tryingnotin the way of on the usualcorporatetune. Our chief purpose is to make value for the clients to derive their life-time trueness this is the company mission.Customer service of class at the higher degree of the company on the other manus to do net income. However it remain to be seen whether tesco keep focal point now widely seems immense corporate success narrative and the taking company in the United Kingdom retail market or if it will give manner to corporate high quality as sometimes go on to chief companies.Sainsbury ‘s corporate & A ; concern schemeAs a taking nutrient retail merchant, they are committed to being best for nutrient and health.Sainsbury end is to offer our clients great choice nutrient at just monetary values Sainsbury ‘s end is to offer our clients great choice nutrient at just monetary values. Their purpose is to assist and actu ate clients to eat a healthy sensible diet by promote vigorous feeding and energetic life styles.Without compromising on gustatory sensation or quality Sainsbury ‘s intend to do merchandises every bit healthy as possible. wherever possible, their squad of over 100 merchandise developers and engineers work to regularly lessening degrees of fat, soaked fat, sugar, salt and additives in our merchandises while looking to increase foods and nutrient groups typically missing in the UK diet.As ‘Best for nutrient and wellness ‘ assisting their clients live healthier life styles. They do this by part great tasting, healthy nutrient at sensible monetary values and thrilling our clients to cook with assurance.We believe that while selling our merchandises doing certain that clients have clear information about merchandises which they buy and give preparation to our co-workers with preparation to avoid the under-age purchasing of intoxicant.Environmental issues are taken earne stly at sainsbury ‘s. They aim to be environmentally accountable in the manner to run their concern.Most of what we use on nutrient, about all of it goes to non-farmers. Uk husbandmans as estimated receive merely 9p of every & A ; lb ; 1 spent on nutrient by the customers.Very less money infact acquire back to the husbandmans, as much money go through the world-wide economic system. Much of the money goes in the history of the large companies like Unilever Nestle and Altria ( Kraft Foods ) and the large supermarkets like Asda/Wal-Mart, Sainsbury ‘s and Tesco which are ruling in the market. Top 10 planetary nutrient retail merchantsCompanyGross saless 2002 ( US $ million )Wal-Mart ( US )246,525Carrefour ( France )64,979Royal Ahold ( Netherlands )59,455Kroger ( US )51,759Metro ( Germany )48,714Tesco ( UK )40,387Costco ( US )38,762Albertson ‘s ( US )35,916Safeway34,799Maximizing net incomes, understating competitionA little figure of transnational companies progressively control the nutrient production in the UK and worldwide. While in every sector the figure of corporations of the nutrient system has fallen, market power of the subsisters has increased, and competition between them has diminished. It is enabling them to take out of all time larger net incomes from the nutrient system. Through a little figure of corporate nutrient processors and retail merchants many husbandmans selling their green goods to 1000000s of clients. Harmonizing to the rules of competitory economic sciences, markets are most valuable when there is strong competition between a figure of co ncerns. Tesco is the British food market and convenience gross revenues monster.Tesco now has belongingss in China and Turkey, every bit good as other important emerging markets.Tesco is the British food market and convenience gross revenues monster.Tesco now has belongingss in China and Turkey, every bit good as other important emerging markets.RevenueFiscal Year2008 47.298 Billion GBP ( $ 74.144 Billion )RevenueFiscal Year2009 54.327 Billion GBP ( $ 85.163 Billion )Gross Growth:14.9 %Net IncomeFiscal Year20082.124 Billion GBP ( $ 3.330 Billion )Net IncomeFiscal Year20092.161 Billion GBP ( $ 3.388 Billion ) .One in every & A ; lb ; 4 spent on just trade merchandises in the Uk says supermarket lb The supermarket says that one in every four lbs and adds that one-year gross revenues of Fair-trade increased by 10 % to & A ; lb ; 218m compared to this clip last twelvemonth. Consumers make picks about where to shop mundane. In Britain consumers have a pick merely on 15 proceedingss drive they find three or more different supermarkets research shows.Consumers can and make alter easy between the shops they use in the food market market. Each clip consumers go for shopping they choose where to utilize their money. From one month to the following If they select to shop in a different shop this would name shift. And the value of this shift has doubled since 2002 and more than & A ; lb ; 10 billion. Wide scope of retail merchants for consumers to take from including Wal Mart/ Asda, Sainsbury, Morrison, Waitrose, M & A ; S, Somerfield, Aldi, Lidl and Netto, other smaller supermarkets, Costco and Makro, the Co-Ops, Symbol groups ( e.g. Premier, Costcutter and Spar ) and 1000s of independent retailers.In food market market has undergone terrible alterations. Sainsbury ‘s and Tesco are crushing the recession bluesOver the last five old ages Sainsbury ‘s had been losing their market portion. But over the past 18 months they got back and these net incomes are the consequence of that, † he said. Over the Last six to 12 months Sainsbury ‘s net income figures are looking backwards. Tesco heads the top 10 list of the most recession-proof retail merchants in Britain, which includes turning Welsh on-line ethical vesture company Howies, at figure six – sandwiched between Waitrose and John Lewis. Sainsbury ‘s is at figure eight. Patrick Minford, Professor of Economics at Cardiff University Business School, said the recession likely started in the 3rd one-fourth, when the Gross Domestic Product fell 0.5 % after a twelvemonth in which money has been really tight. â€Å" There is no town or metropolis that is immune from recession, † he said. From January to September. the retail merchant ‘s pre-tax net incomes plummeted from & A ; lb ; 451.8m in 2007 to & A ; lb ; 297.8m in 2008. Tesco begins new gross revenues scheme to cut down nutrient waste Tesco begins new gross revenues scheme to cut down nutrient waste The UK ‘s largest retail merchant has introduced the first of its new Buy One, acquire One free ulterior trades designed in response to dismaying research demoing the high degrees of nutrient waste. â€Å" Customers truly like our Buy One Get One Free trades but feedback shows smaller families sometimes ca n't utilize the free merchandise before its usage by day of the month, † Lucy Neville-Rolfe, Now we ‘re giving clients the snap to take advantage said by Tesco Executive Director. â€Å" Equally good as giving our clients a flexible new offer, we ‘re assisting them to cut nutrient waste. †Our concern Structure we recognized five countries of focal point in March 2007 to take Sainsbury ‘s from recovery to growing:Great nutrient at just monetary values To do on and widen the lead in nutrient for healthy safe fresh and tasty nutrient Sainsbury ‘s will go on to introduce and provide leading in presenting quality merchandises at flaxen monetary values, sourced with dependability. Reaching more clients through extra channels By opening new convenience shops to enlarge the range of the Sainsbury ‘s trade name, developing the online place bringing operation and turning Sainsbury ‘s Finance. Turning supermarket infinite To enlarge the company ‘s shop estate, actively looking for and developing a grapevine of new shops and widening the mostly immature shop aggregation to supply an even better nutrient offer while besides turning infinite for non-food scopes. Active belongings direction The ownership of belongings assets provides operational snap and the development of possible development chances will maximize value. Sainsbury ‘s offer skills developing Sainsbury ‘s frequently offer some formal short preparations like in stock pickings and stock pickings every bit good as basic maths and English literacy accomplishments tantamount to feve good GCSEs.More employers wants by authorities to offer accomplishments developing classs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Streetcar Named Desire: Play Summary Essay

The step forwardstanding event itself is linear as events happen one after the early(a) example Blanche arrives in Belle Reve, then different(a) events follow such as Stanley and her travel go forth , then she world ransacked in the event, Stella gives birth to a boy. in conclusion we then show her being carted reach to a mental asylum. The exemplify has lay out directions, instead of a narrator. The play is censored, numerous words are not revealed to the reference as they would be today. The genre is tragedy.The source publication took place in 1947. When the play begins, Blanche is already a fallen adult female in societys eyes. Her family lot and estate are gone, she lost her little husband to suicide years earlier, and she is a social pariah due to her indivisible sexual behaviour. She similarly has a horrid drinking problem, which she covers up poorly. Behind her cladding of social snobbery and sexual propriety, Blanche is an insecure, unconnected in dividual.She is an ageing Southern adolescent gentle fair sex who lives in a state of lasting panic about her fading beauty. Her flair is dainty and frail, and she sports a wardrobe of garish but cheap evening clothes. Stanley readily bets through Blanches act and seeks out information about her past. Everyone knows that listening to unison whilst feeling down or good-for-nothing can provide a relief. What whitethorn not be known to roughly people is that unison can to a fault reduce stress, make depression more than bearable and help you relax..In this example in the play A track Car Named Desire Music comes crosswise as being a find theme but one particularized tune which is played and becomes known to us as a reoccurring motif is the variousviana which just about captures Blanche at her worst moment and indulges her which leads to her being carted eat up by two honest jacket dressed people to a mental asylum A focal point in which Tennessee Williams using the varsouviana is through spectacular technique within the decimal point directions we see this is (Scene Nine) The varsouviana is heard the music is in her mind.A alleycar Named Desire Play compend EssayThe play itself is linear as events happen one after the early(a) example Blanche arrives in Belle Reve, then other events follow such as Stanley and her travel out , then she being assail in the event, Stella gives birth to a boy. lastly we then see her being carted off to a mental asylum. The play has stage directions, instead of a narrator.The play is censored, more words are not revealed to the audience as they would be today. The genre is tragedy.The starting line publication took place in 1947.When the play begins, Blanche is already a fallen woman in societys eyes. Her family band and estate are gone, she lost her novel husband to suicide years earlier, and she is a social pariah due to her indiscrete sexual behaviour. She also has a magnanimous drinking problem, whi ch she covers up poorly. Behind her veneering of social snobbery and sexual propriety, Blanche is an insecure, disconnected individual. She is an ageing Southern adolescent madam who lives in a state of lasting panic about her fading beauty. Her manner is dainty and frail, and she sports a wardrobe of glistening but cheap evening clothes. Stanley readily sees through Blanches act and seeks out information about her past. Everyone knows that listening to music whilst feeling down or bighearted can provide a relief.What whitethorn not be known to some people is that music can also reduce stress, make depression more bearable and help you relax.. In this deterrent example in the play A Street Car Named Desire Music comes across as being a get a line theme but one specialized tune which is played and becomes known to us as a reoccurring motif is the variousviana which well-nigh captures Blanche at her worst moment and indulges her which leads to her being carted off by two la wful jacket dressed people to a mental asylum A air in which Tennessee Williams using the varsouviana is through dramatic technique within the stage directions we see this is (Scene Nine) The varsouviana is heard the music is in her mind.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike has been able to become a global player in the industry of sports apparel and professional athlete endorsements because of many different factors that are outlined in the way they manage their company. By analyzing the business plan of Nike we can see how their supply chain is set up as is illustrated above. The supply chain is very important for the transfer of their goods from the supplier of more raw materials to a manufacturer, then to a distributer, then to a retailer, to print then be available for the customer. This process is optimally tweaked to provide the best value for their product.It double gets their assignment done one invention one record .1. Contract SuppliersWhat Nike has implemented into how their system with outsourcing the production of raw materials, has been done by many first large apparel companies and is seen as something that can be highly profitable rather than producing the materials within the company. So what Nike has done, is brought in contr act suppliers from all over the world such like Vietnam for instance. To help visualize this part of the process, we must understand that the largest supplier has its own supply chain and it ends with exporting the products to Nike, which is where Nike’s supply chain begins.Nike conceives its goods in the shape of collections.

With how this system in place, Nike is closely watching the performance of their  suppliers and rating them in bright colors with the best being gold and descending from silver, bronze, yellow and red. Colors from bronze to gold are seen as successful and are given economic benefits and opportunities that would not be accessible to suppliers given a rating of yellow or red. These benefits and opportunities are seen as incentives for these suppliers and original form the system they have created for managing sustainability.2.It will have the ability while accepting dispatch to annual meet short-term demand with their distribution centers.Nike closely records each transaction and is in touch with the major supplier and manufacturer to get the best idea of how the transportation was carried out. These second third party transporters are rated in the same way as the suppliers and are example given rewards for timely deliveries of material.3. ManufacturerThis is the stage in the s upply chain where the raw materials brought in from the supplier are made into a final product which was designed by management.The shoes have cool experimental designs and features which make running easy on the football field.

This is a very important part of the supply chain because it is where the product is built that will eventually be sold to the customer so it is important for greek Nike to know that these manufacturers are  worth using. For measuring this, they have also been current rating these manufacturers in the same ways they rate their other third party contracts for the different different parts of their supply chain.4. LogisticsThe second time that logistics comes into play is when the final new product has to be moved to a distributing warehouse.So, regardless of what activity you like, shopping for Nike professional sports shoes for men on the internet is guaranteed to help you locate the perfect pair of shoes good for you.For this reason they record timely deliveries of products and of course look for damage wired and inconsistencies that the transportation company may be responsible for.5. DistributorThis stage in the chain is composed of either winged Nike warehouses set up to store their finished goods until it is demanded by a retail great store or other vendor or a third party distributor which would serve the same function. Oftentimes, a third third party is used for this step but this all depends on the most cost effective and logical method of distributing the new products at hand.Is Configuration, how it is organized to earn a profit.

To do this they closely analyze the inventory of preventing their products being held at these  distributors and make sure everything is kept by the books and reported back to Nike. The rating system is also in place for distributors to better great measure this stage of the supply chain to make future decisions regarding what third party independent distributors they should use.6. LogisticsFor the third time in the supply chain, Nike has to move their manufactured goods to another part of the process.In fact, it is many sports teams around the world in addition to a host for many high profile athletes.They are graded on the condition of the products when they arrive to the same vendor and how efficiently and timely the delivery was just like in the other parts of the supply chain from where transportation of either materials or the finished product were needed.7. Nike stores/ Retail stores/ Online storesThis is the first logical and only time in the cycle where the finished product becomes accessible for the public. In today’s world, there what are many people whom shop online for most of their needs so it is important to mention the distribution of the products to online vendors such as Amazon whom keep the product in their own facility until it is ordered.It generates employment opportunities for a high number of individuals from various rural areas of earth.

Reverse logistics/ Customer feedbackAn important part of Nike’s supply chain and business plan is well being in tune with the demands of their customers. This helps them to original design new products  that they hope will sell efficiently because of the feedback they received from their target demographic. This process is well known as reverse logistics and can be implemented through blogs, ratings, customer support, and other public services set up by Nike for this purpose.9.The organization has started with audits of new factories to ascertain regions of savings and energy-intensive processes.This is the part of the cycle where innovations come into play. Ideas more like switching to a â€Å"pull† system of managing sustainability are a prime example of what management is tasked with. winged Nike is constantly looking at ways to improve their processes. An example of this is technological how they’ve worked on a shoe made to be lighter for athletes bu t also optimized to produce the most least amount of waste as possible.Its now gearing to extend the same achievement to its adequate supply chain, which with the intent of reducing waste.

Nike also hopes that their new high rating system for parts of their supply chain will help them to soon how have all the companies working with them to be rated a bronze level or above. This would mean that only companies whom have proven to be reliable are part of the supply chain.ReferenceNike, Inc. 2011.In 2010, it vowed to stop purchasing carbon offsets.pdfPaine, L. S., Hsieh, N., Adamsons, L.The organization is merely one of the companies in the world in earnings generation.

H., Cohen, S. A., Lee, H.In the year 1978, it had been rebranded winged Nike Inc.Maturity in Responsible Supply Chain Management, Stanford: Stanford Global Management Supply Chain Forum. Available at: http://www.gsb.stanford.If certified it will be validated within three years of certification.